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The 2023 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

The readers have spoken! Here we present North America's top tech solutions of 2023, as chosen by the readers of Streaming Media.

云图集:电影实验室2030年全行业视觉路线图 & E Interoperability

MovieLabs的首席技术官Jim Helman讨论了他为好莱坞电影公司创建内容分类标准的经验, 以及MovieLabs的十年战略,将互操作性带给尽可能多的供应商. 赫尔曼帮助创建的娱乐标识注册表(EIDR)是一个内容标识,现在拥有超过2个.800万的记录使生产和经营的许多方面现代化. 他还将向我们介绍行业对“2030愿景”战略的最新反应,该战略旨在为媒体创作技术带来互操作性, 需要更少的定制工程和更好的软件之间的通信, infrastructure, and services.


流媒体100强再次回归流媒体年度榜单,该榜单将展示该行业最具创新性和影响力的技术供应商, service providers, platforms, and media and content companies, as acclaimed by our editorial team. Some are large and established industry standard-bearers, 而其他公司规模相对较小,相对较新,刚刚开始引起轰动. 所有这些公司都以其创新的方法和对流媒体领域的扩展和成熟的贡献使自己脱颖而出.

Review: Ant Media Server (Enterprise Edition)

本文将重点介绍Ant Media Server和流媒体服务器支持的许多特性. 观众还将学习如何在亚马逊网络服务上配置WebRTC流媒体服务器,以及如何启动和运行直播流和视频点播流.

Generative AI and the Future of Media Tech

将生成式人工智能整合到我们的工作流程中有可能影响媒体技术中的几乎所有内容, 我将在本文中研究几种可能性.

The Streaming Media 100 at IBC 2023

With IBC taking place September 15-18, 就在人们热切期待的今年流媒体100强发布之前, 该杂志评选出了该行业最重要的100家公司, 我有机会给一些当之无愧的获奖者一个惊喜, live and in person on the show floor.

The 2022 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards

The readers have spoken! Here are the top technical solutions of 2022, 这是由流媒体的读者决定的.


Welcome to the 2022 Streaming Media 50, 我们的年度榜单列出了业界最具创新性和影响力的技术供应商, service providers, and platforms, as acclaimed by our editorial team. Some are large and established industry standard-bearers, 而其他公司规模相对较小,相对较新,刚刚开始引起轰动. 所有人都以其创新的方法和为客户服务并推动行业发展的承诺使自己脱颖而出. It's the fifth year we've capped the list at 50 companies.

Q&A: Brightcove CEO Marc DeBevoise


The 2022 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards Finalists

更多的 than 1,600 readers voted in 22 categories. 我们将于11月16日在亨廷顿海滩的流媒体西区宣布获奖名单, 但这里有一个小笑话——每个类别的前三名得票者. And you just might be surprised at the names you see.

The 2021 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Award Winners


Blockchain and NFTs: Power to the Creators

Some say NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a novelty, a status symbol for the crypto rich, and a bubble that's bound to burst. 其他人则认为,nft将从根本上改变创意产业的商业模式. 现在还处于早期阶段,但nft和区块链背后有很大的动力. Here's what you need to know.


我们的年度流媒体50总结了最重要的, most interesting, and most innovative solutions providers in online video. 你会在这里发现熟悉和不熟悉的名字,因为新进入者加入了市场老手. So who made the list? 继续读下去 ...

The 2021 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Awards Finalists

Nearly 2,000 readers voted in 22 categories. We'll announce the winners later this month, 但这里有一个小笑话——每个类别的前三名得票者. And you just might be surprised at the names you see.

Take the Content and Revenue Protection Trends 2021 Survey

分享你对DRM和盗版如何影响你个人和职业的见解, and enter for the chance to win a $500 Amazon gift card.


今年我们新增了两个奖项——最佳流媒体创新奖和最佳新流媒体公司奖——以及其他23个奖项,从分析到网络直播,以及介于两者之间的一切. 我们已将提名截止日期延长至8月20日,所以请不要拖延.

The Algorithm Series: Digital Rights Management (DRM)



Staggered release schedules, the explosion of direct-to-consumer offerings, the cost of multiple subscriptions, 在网上很容易找到非法或未经授权的内容,这导致了盗版数量的增长. 多管齐下的打击盗版的方法是必要的,以防止收入损失, 裁员, and poor brand association.


Who made our annual list of the most important, most innovative, 以及在线视频领域最有趣的公司? 继续读下去 ...