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Fubo Launches Fubo Radio, a FAST Channel Radio Experience Powered by Super Hi-Fi

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Sports-first live TV streaming platform FuboTV, 与为广播和数字媒体平台提供人工智能广播服务的主要提供商合作, Super Hi-Fi, to create Fubo Radio.

With a recent Hub Entertainment report showing that 49% of all television viewers also use their TVs to stream music, 现在是OTT FAST服务扩展到独家音乐频道的最佳时机.

富博将他们的新服务描述为“首次为OTT服务从头开始创造的广播体验。, 有电视优先的界面和特别为富博用户设计的令人难以置信的音乐节目.”

“Fubo customers ‘Come for the Sports and Stay for the Entertainment,“这就是为什么用娱乐来支持我们的体育优先内容始终是一个优先事项。,” said David Gandler, co-founder and CEO of Fubo. “The addition of FAST channel radio stations, Fubo Radio, 我们的节目阵容多样化了我们的娱乐选择,并重新定义了什么是整个家庭的有线电视替代品.”

The Fubo Radio FAST channels are available in Fubo’s base channel plan, Fubo Pro. They include stations such as “Hits Radio,” “Hip-Hop One,” “Top Country,” “Classic Rock,” and “Éxitos Latinos.”

业内专家一致认为,FAST频道进入流媒体广播市场的时机已经成熟. Chris Pfaff, CEO, Chris Pfaff Tech Media, Producers Guild of America (PGA), VR AR Association (VRARA), said, “The podcast space has discovered FAST in 2023 - see PodcastOne TV's 发射作为证据——有充分的理由相信,无线电体验将在FAST中取得成功. Most video podcasts/vodcasts are listened to, not viewed, by audiences that are engaged with multiple devices simultaneously. 因此,富博广播是一种将FAST频道的价值扩展到新内容流的绝妙方式. 只要内容和节目符合品牌,它为什么不能成功呢? As the SVOD players have moved to ad-supported streaming to increase revenues, FAST世界需要提供与受众消费行为相联系的内容. FAST is competing more with, say, Twitch and TikTok than with other OTT outlets. 如果以正确的方式提供,年轻玩家会选择“新鲜”的内容. What radio becomes, in the FAST world, might reinvent the entire industry.”

However, Jonathon Barbato, Co-CEO Best Ever Channels他指出:“虽然这是OTT领域的一项创新,但在这两个领域也并非完全没有先例 VEVO and Stingray have done music channels in OTT...just not 'radio' channels (they have video, visuals, concerts, etc.). And it's not unprecedented in television, as cable and satellite have had ‘radio’ or audio channels for years. So my opinion is that at first glance, they are not exactly breaking new ground, but the proof will be in the product. Because they cater to a niche audience, the curation of their ‘radio’ channel may indeed be innovative. Will it compete with Sirius XM? Maybe, 但我不确定电视是否能与广播竞争,因为不同设备的使用通常不会在同一场合出现, [such as] radio in the car. We'll see.”

巴巴托说,富博电台的成功取决于它能否吸引大量听众. If so, he said, “Then others will follow, the platforms will make room for it, 提供商将排着队成为下一个提供内容的人(这就是有线电视的情况)。. The FAST space is already over-crowded, and platforms are slow to approve new video channels, so maybe radio is the next 'way in' to claiming FAST platform real estate.”

普法夫同意,获得大量听众将是FAST无线电成功的首要条件. “The biggest challenge is audience; that's the biggest challenge for FAST, in general,” he said. “Who's watching/listening? 你可以将哪些数据/人口统计数据归因于这些用户,以及如何将其转化为广告收入? The CPMs are low for FAST, 但这并不意味着正确的广告商不能通过正确的FAST广播频道获得成功, or the right show. FAST上一个弹出式广播频道的价值可能会带来意外的成功,或者带来一份新的节目制作合同,而这些合同在其他地方是找不到的. Leveraging the airwaves, if you will, to discover new talent, 或者补充现有品牌的产品组合只是很好的创意常识.”

Ultimately, 与SiriusXM等卫星广播服务和spotify等音乐流媒体相比,专门为OTT服务构建的广播可能有一些关键的广告优势 Spotify and Apple Music. 普法夫说:“CTV世界一直以来都是通过有线或卫星传输音频的。DirecTV's Music Choice channels have been around for 27 years), so FAST channels with radio content should not be a surprise. Ad pods are being inserted into podcasts on Pandora, for example, which is owned by SiriusXM, 因此,我们可以很容易地看到,在一个快速的环境中,广播如何能够成功地吸引那些不订阅流媒体音频/音乐服务的听众/观众.”

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