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如何优化家庭共同观看,建立动态伙伴关系, & 知道什么时候使用IO或编程


What are some of the best approaches for advertising strategies that incorporate both direct and programmatic partnerships, and how can advertisers who are looking to expand their reach better optimize the rising trend of co-viewing experiences?

Jennifer D'Alessandro,广告销售和营销主管 未来的今天, 领先的CTV货币化解决方案提供商, outlined some points that streaming technology providers should focus on to achieve marketplace success. “这涉及到一个强大的, 管理OTT服务的云技术平台, providing a comprehensive suite of services from video management to monetization,”她说。.

Companies like 未来的今天 “enable brands to reach diverse 观众s through targeted solutions, 包括地理, 类型, 上下文, 观众, 以及行为定位. 这确保了广告商可以根据特定的人口统计数据定制广告活动, 加强参与和相关性, 本质上是让竞选资金为广告商更明智地发挥作用.”


The emergence of co-viewing (members of the same household watching a program simultaneously) in the AVOD and FAST spaces has opened up new opportunities for advertisers, 尤其是面向家庭的节目和平台. “We anticipate a shift in brands capitalizing on these 观众s through family-oriented content, 包括动画, 电影, 电视节目, 还有游戏节目,达历山德罗说. “Families consuming content together often discuss the ads they are seeing. 这是家庭时间, and distractions – such as looking at your phone during the ad breaks – are minimized.”

D 'Alessandro强调了未来的今天的旗舰频道之一, HappyKids,作为共同查看优势的一个有前途的用例. “Studies indicate that families often discuss ads together and highlight the substantial purchasing influence children have within households,”她说。. “94%观看《百家乐软件》内容的观众是全家一起观看的, 86%的人打算继续这一趋势. 此外,最近 孩子们的见解 report indicated that nearly 70% of HappyKids' 观众 acknowledges children's significant influence on buying decisions, 跨越杂货, 购物偏好, 餐厅的选择, 还有度假目的地, 等.”

Co-viewing has great potential to reach untapped 观众s focused on the family unit. A higher level of ad engagement can be achieved by opening up a space where parents and children can discuss the ads they watch. This is especially important due to the unique purchasing power that a family offers. “Kids are the new CEO of the household and carry weight in buying decisions,达历山德罗说. “随着中央电视台的格局变得越来越碎片化, 广告商应该考虑战略合作. 直接与发行商合作, 特别是对于大规模的活动, 提供跨所有平台的全面存在, 将重复的风险降至最低,并增强观众的体验.”

共同观看的效果也减少了观看第二屏幕的时间. Rather than advertisers needing to find ways to work with the tendencies of single viewers to disengage with their CTV and pick up their phone during ad breaks, “Parents and children are both engaged with the content and the ad breaks,达历山德罗说.

Considering the rapid migration of advertising dollars from linear to streaming, D’Alessandro underscores the importance of working directly with publishers and developing the relationship in a way that is as direct and organic as possible. “未来的今天 created a dedicated sales team in 2019 to offer a one-to-one partnership that prioritizes a seamless and friendly experience,”她说。. “Working directly with the publisher allows for a controlled environment that will deliver upon all partner requests.”

何时使用IO vs. 程序化的广告购买

Both insertion order (IO) direct buying and programmatic buying have their places for specific types of campaigns. “当品牌寻求更大的足迹时, 直接IO是包含赞助元素的路径——i.e., 加载的广告牌, 交互式覆盖, 英雄的形象, QR代码, 自定义播放列表和更多,达历山德罗说. “Programmatic is a great way to manage several brands for one advertiser simultaneously while applying targeting. 在程序化的环境中, PG pipelines are a way to ensure placement within quality programming and first look at the inventory. PMP pipelines work well for brands with flexibility and minimum guardrails.”


Developing strong and productive partnerships with both direct and programmatic advertisers is essential to optimizing in-flight ad delivery.

D 'Alessandro引用了一个未来的今天用例. “与一家大型玩具公司合作, we learned early on the importance of relevant content and delivering campaigns within flight,”她说。. “In 4Q23, we created individual deal IDs for each toy campaign with outlined perimeters, i.e., 男孩6尺11寸, 女孩4 - 6, baby/PreK choosing programming that perfectly aligned to avoid wasted impressions. 我们每天优化活动,以确保在航班内交付. We also remained nimble and could pivot quickly if a toy sold out or incremental dollars needed to be applied to hit goals. 所有单独的战役都在飞行中全部交付."

最终, incorporating many of the elements D’Alessandro discussed will be essential for successfully moving forward as more and more viewers migrate from linear to CTV.  

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


你的游戏是否快速, AVOD, SVOD, 混合动力, 或优质或长尾内容, leveraging metadata intelligently is a critical component of monetizing your offerings. 华纳兄弟. 探索频道的丹·特罗塔报道, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, 我是宝芬妮·艾奇逊, Erickson Strategy的Paul Erickson, and Chris Pfaff Tech Media's Chris Pfaff break down current and emerging stratagems in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


是什么推动了流媒体用户粘性, and where is interactivity for sports fans watching live streams and using streaming apps? And what are the current challenges to delivering interactive sports streaming experiences? Parks Associates' Jennifer Kent and ViewLift's Rick Allen discuss these topics in a panel at 流媒体 West 2022.


随着广告支持流媒体的兴起, platforms such as Disney+ must create new workflow models that account for age-based regulatory protections in different regions while also finding new ways to fulfill the user data desired by advertisers.