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作为NAB的BEIT会议的一部分, VidOvation Chief Technology Officer Jim Jachetta will present a paper on private 5G networks on Tuesday, 4月16日12点10分.m. Private 5G networks are filling a void in situations where standard Wi-Fi isn’t available or


作为NAB的BEIT会议的一部分, VidOvation Chief Technology Officer Jim Jachetta will present a paper on private 5G networks on Tuesday, 4月16日12点10分.m. Private 5G networks are filling a void in situations where standard Wi-Fi isn’t available or where Wi-Fi and public 5G get too congested to work as needed — especially in outdoor areas and large, 露天环境,如体育场馆, 音乐会场馆, 以及重大新闻事件的地点.

VidOvation will demonstrate the Celona private 5G solution in its booth (W2230), combining VidOvation’s bonded cellular technology with Celona’s 5G LAN system using shared cellular spectrum. The demonstration will show how Celona technology integrates with Haivision’s Pro and Air mobile encoders to deliver more reliable video transport and video transmission over private 5G. Attendees will see how public 5G and private 5G can work together using bonded cellular. In addition to the Celona technology, components of the solution include:

  • Haivision Pro460, the most reliable 4K UHD and four-channel HD bonded cellular and IP encoder and transmitter for remote production and REMI.
  • Haivision Air320 现场HEVC编码器的现场直播. It has two internal modems, two external modems, Wi-Fi, and LAN.
  • Haivision StreamHub 先进的接收器、分发服务器和云平台. The transceiver is vendor-agnostic and universally compatible with third-party encoders.
  • VidOvation多载波模拟 用于粘合蜂窝应用. The Haivision mobile encoders VidOvation provides come with VidOvation多载波模拟 that automatically connect to the best available public cellular networks. Thus the encoders support private and public 5G simultaneously, 保证视频传输可靠.

图片链接: www.wallstcom.com/VidOvation/VidOvation-Celona2.png
图片标题: 巴塞罗那专用5G无线局域网

Known for its expertise in wireless solutions for video transmission, VidOvation will demonstrate and discuss wireless solutions from VidOvation, ABonAir, Vislink, and others. 具体演示将包括以下内容:

  • VidOvation视频链接教师2 is a family of low-cost professional wireless video and audio transmitters and receivers for video production applications where it is impractical or impossible to run cables and wires, 或者电缆会成为障碍的地方. NAB 2023年度产品奖得主, the VidOlink Reacher family delivers premium picture quality, 采用工业标准的电源和视频接口, 并提供简单的即插即用操作设置.
  • ABonAir无线视频传输解决方案, which comprises the AB4000 4K and HD wireless video camera link with integrated camera control and intercom and the AB612 4K UHD HDR wireless broadcast system with 35-millisecond delay. VidOvation也将显示AB512, the world’s only wireless broadcast system with 7-millisecond subframe delay.

图片链接: www.wallstcom.com/VidOvation/VidOvation-VidOlink-Reacher-II-2300-Transmitter-On-Camera.jpg
图片标题: VidOvation视频链接教师2 Family of 无线摄像头链接

VidOvation now represents a new product line — Advanced Image Robotics’ robotic cinema cameras for live television and production. The cameras are easy to set up and have a direct cloud connection to streamline the workflow. 多亏了机器人, 这些相机有精确的, organic, smooth movement and enable camera operators to work from home. Visitors to Booth W2230 will see the AIR One robotic camera in action.

图片链接: www.wallstcom.com/VidOvation/AIR_One_Robotic_Cinema_Camera_System.jpg
图片标题: 机器人电影摄影机系统

软件工具从AlvaLinks, provius,和Intracom

  • AlvaLinks和providus 能帮助加强、保护和分析媒体网络吗. AlvaLinks is ideal for observing and analyzing long-haul IP video transport, while Providius dives deep into an enterprise’s SMPTE ST 2110 infrastructure.
  • Intracom 提供基于ip的对讲, IFB, and audio transport through its VCOM IP Matrix intercom software and hardware. VidOvation现在是授权的集成商.

图片链接: www.wallstcom.com/VidOvation/Network_observability_suite.png
图片标题: AlvaLinks的媒体网络可观察性


“Wi-Fi和公共5G将继续占据一席之地, but private 5G is quickly emerging as a way to backfill when those public networks get swamped. The benefit of private 5G is that it can cover larger open spaces. VidOvation is proud to bring the private 5G workflow to broadcast and live production to supplement the shortcomings of Wi-Fi and public 5G. I’m looking forward to showing NAB visitors how it can help overcome the performance, mobility, and coverage issues associated with conventional wireless technology.”

— Jim Jachetta, executive vice president and chief technology officer, VidOvation


是全球公司的首要合作伙伴, VidOvation是一家动态系统集成商, 技术设计顾问, 增值分销商, 以及为广播电视服务的精品出租房, sports, AV公司, 政府市场. 我们专注于定制视频传输, streaming, production, 贡献, and distribution systems that seamlessly integrate into existing infrastructure, 我们可以满足几乎任何应用程序或预算. 包覆键胞, wireless, streaming, 视频网络, encoding, IPTV, 数字标牌, 以及光纤通信系统, VidOvation解决方案改善视频, audio, and data transmissions by removing the frustration of dropouts, latency, 干扰, noise, 还有安全问题. The company applies proven expertise to the complete project life cycle — from project consulting and management to engineering and design to warranty and support. More information about how VidOvation is moving video forward can be found at vidovation.com.

链接到Word文档: www.wallstcom.com/VidOvation/240318-VidOvation-NAB_2024.docx